Yes, you can use wallpaper there
Wallpaper can definitely be hung in Kitchens and Bathrooms. The trick is to pick the right type of paper for the right location. If a room is not well-ventilated and get’s steamy, it’s best to use vinyl wallpaper. If you want to paper a wall directly behind a sink (the splash zone), vinyl is your answer. Vinyl wallpaper, also called type II, is a commercial grade product that has a scrubbable face and can stand up to moisture and wear. That makes type II a good choice for kid-heavy traffic areas too.
PENNANT heavy matte wallpaper in Heron Blue
If your Bathroom is well-ventilated, standard paper is OK. A wainscot of wood or tile below and paper above can be really pretty and handle and splash areas.
HULL type II vinyl wallpaper in color Haze
RUNNING TIDE wallpaper in color Pacific
Powder Rooms can usually handle standard paper or even Grasscloth. I like to think of Powder Rooms as little jewel boxes where you can really do something special. Since you aren’t in that room all day, use fun paper or wrap the ceiling for big impact – or both!
Don’t forget to treat your Laundry Room! If you have to be there folding laundry, why not make it a fun place to be? Same rules apply for wallpaper as above. If you want to run the wallpaper directly behind a laundry sink, consider vinyl. Otherwise, standard paper is OK.